Schools & Teachers

This section provides information on the schemes and activities offered by libraries that benefit schools and teachers, including school library visits, the Summer Reading Challenge, and access to a wealth of digital resources.


Reading Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge is an annual event aimed at 4-11-year olds. Children are encouraged to read six library books of their choice during the summer holidays and receive collectable incentives along the way.

Summer Reading Challenge


Digital Resources

Our fantastic collection of online resources includes eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines for children and young adults, which are free to download.

Digital Resources


Author of the Month

Each month on the Libraries Wales website, we will focus on an inspiring author based in or writing about Wales.

See our Author of the Month


Children’s Laureate Wales & Bardd Plant Cymru

The Children’s Laureate Wales and Bardd Plant Cymru are two national ambassadorial posts which aim to engage and inspire the children of Wales through literature, and to promote a child’s right to have their stories and voices heard.

Find out More
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