Access the Library Anywhere, Anytime
April 6, 2020Discover your Library’s wide range of digital resources — including eBooks & eAudiobooks, eMagazines & eComics, and a wealth of Digital Collections.
Your Library’s fantastic collection of online resources includes over 250 top eMagazines, over 25,000 eBooks and eAudiobooks, eComics – all for free, simply join the library!
You also have access to a selection of digital reference resources about Wales from the National Library of Wales, free newspaper archives and access to Welsh journals amongst a wealth of other digital material.
The RBdigital e-magazine service has hundreds of top magazine titles, available for you to download onto your computer or most mobile devices. Choose titles covering health, fitness, sports, crafts, gardens, music, computers and many more topics. To register with RBdigital and download e-magazines for free, click here
The BorrowBox service has a wide range of eBooks and eAudiobooks available for you to download onto your computer or most mobile devices to read and to listen to. There are English and Welsh language books, fiction and non-fiction, and books for both adults and children.
If you enjoy reading comics and graphic novels you can access hundreds of titles to download and read, free from your public library service in Wales. The RBdigital Comics service has titles for all age ranges, in a wide range of genres, including Marvel’s Spider Man, Avengers, and X-Men, and other top comics such as Transformers, G.I. Joe, Star Trek, and Ghostbusters. Choose whether to check-out a single issue or the whole volume and download as many titles as you like to your device using the RBdigital app, or view on your computer. Get started with our handy guide
You can also access other digital resources such as Theory Test Pro for free from the comfort of your home.