Photo Bank

These photographs have been commissioned by the Welsh Government for use by library staff in Wales. The photos include a selection of adults and children accessing a wide range of library services include mobile library, further and higher education, rhyme time, housebound service and outreach activities.

All people featured in the photographs have consented for them to be used by libraries in Wales.

You can use these photographs to help to promote your services on posters, social media and advertisements, in reports or presentations.

Please copyright the images to Welsh Government.

Please e-mail for the password

Simply click here to access the gallery, & go to ‘Media Library’.

Click on any of the boxes to access the photographs – you can use these photographs wherever you are in Wales you don’t have to be based in one of the libraries that were photographed.

Are you taking some photographs at your own event – you can download a bilingual photo consent form here.

Bilingual photo consent form

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