Ancestry Library Edition Remote Access Ending
December 8, 2021
In March 2020 libraries around the world had to close their doors due to the global pandemic. ProQuest and Ancestry made the unprecedented decision to grant public libraries temporary remote access to Ancestry Library Edition (ALE) for those who could provide a secure method of authentication.
ProQuest and Ancestry happily made this decision to help their customers and their users navigate this challenging time. They did not charge an additional fee for remote access and they waived the standard annual price increase for 2021.
After nearly 2 years of temporary access, and after most libraries reopened their doors, Ancestry has made the difficult decision to end remote access for Ancestry Library Edition at the end of 2021. Ancestry cares deeply about libraries and their users, but they have agreements with publishers and other business considerations that prevent them from offering remote access permanently.
From the beginning of January 2022 users will be able to access Ancestry Library Edition through desktop computers provided by their library or archive /record office or their own personal laptop, tablet, or mobile phone in the library.
Please contact your library if you need further information about local onsite access. You can use the Find Your Nearest Library feature on the Libraries Wales website to obtain contact details.