Staff Toolkit

Looking for some ideas, need more information or downloading some artwork. This section can help you market your library services, join in with national campaigns and give you advice or guidance on how to do things.

Digital Resources

Digital Resources - Marketing Assets

Access Digital Resources Flyers in both Welsh & English to download and print.

E-Resources Flyers

Regional Lending Schemes

Regional Lending Schemes in Wales

Information on Linc-y-Gogledd and Libraries Together Passport Scheme Regional Lending Schemes in Wales

More information


Digital Communities Wales (DCW) Learning Resources

Access to a range of Digital Communities Wales (DCW) Learning Resources, produced as a result of training sessions & presentations.

More info

Author of the Month

Author of the Month Flyers

Each month we will feature an inspiring author living or writing about Wales. Download the informative Author of the Month Flyers here.

Author of the Month
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